Tuesday, May 21, 2013


We are PUPO! That's PREGNANT UNTIL PROVEN OTHERWISE for anyone not up on all the catchy lingo. Yeah buddy!!

Today we had our embryo transfer.

Nick and I woke up this morning and got ready just like any other day. One, because we knew the doctor was going to call early with the possibility that we might go in today and two, we thought for sure that we weren't going in until Thursday and we both needed to do to work. Around 6:45 the embryologist called and said we had two 8 cell embryos, one that was not really growing, and two that will probably make it to blastocyst. She said we were ready to transfer today. With a whole load of nerves we finished getting ready and made our way to the 7:30 appointment.

Once at the doctors, I sign in and we waited for a little bit. The nurse came out and escorted us to the fertility operating area which is the back end of the ICU. I dressed in a very lovely pale blue gown and Nick wore gorgeous green scrubs. Very sexy!

I hopped up into bed, covered up and waited....in complete pain, because I needed to pee so bad. If you know me, this is normal, and as always bad timing. I needed to have a full bladder for the ultrasound so I was afraid to empty it.

As we settled in, the nurse brought us a picture of our beautiful embryos. I have to be honest. I have put a thick wall up to getting too attached until things were at a complete safe point but the picture of something that will be our baby takes my breath away. Both embryos are 8 cell. One was 4.5 and the other was 4.2 which is out of 5. The nurse said they were really good....she could have said "almost perfect" but I could be wrong. :) Then, Nick and I signed off that we would only be transferring 2. The best part was we got to keep the amazing picture of our embies.

We sat and waited for the doctor to arrive. Took some pictures...

Then off I was rolled to the operating room. I stayed on the same bed but scooted down all the way to the end. The doctor inserted a speculum and did some other business I am unsure of. Possibly inserted a catheter? And it was time... The window opened and the doctor told the embryologist that he was ready for the embryos. In front of us was a large television screen. First our name flashed across the screen then it was white. But it wasn't all white, in between a few bubbles sat two BEAUTIFUL embryos. The embryologist sucked them up and they were past to the doctor through the window.

I was incredibly tense because a.) I had to pee and b.) I was nervous the procedure was going to cause cramps. (I felt nothing) I couldn't really see anything since the nurse was standing next to me. I held Nick's hand the entire time as he watched the screen. The nurse did and ultrasound on my belly and BING, BANG, BOOM...the embryos were in safe and sound.

*Any and all prayers needed now*

I pray that my body keeps these little bitties safe. That my body allows them to grow and develop into a healthy baby (s).

Which brings me to my final story. After the transfer, which only took 10 minutes, I was wheeled back into the recovery area to lay down. I was told to lay flat for 15 minutes before using the bathroom. Another lady went back for her transfer and returned after what felt like an eternity. Since I was still in the laying down portion of the procedure, I had to use a bed pan. I tried to be lady like and keep my dignity but blessed with a tiny bladder you got to do what you go to do. I asked the nurse if going to the bathroom after the transfer would mess up anything and she reassured me that it would do no such thing. I got myself together, laid down, and the nurse put me in an incline.

I laid flat for 60 minutes. (and possibly used the bed pan one more time) *Thankful for a good husband*

When the nurse came back, I got dressed and we were on our way home with two beautiful embryos hanging out in my belly.

To celebrate our special day, Nick and I stopped at Whole Foods and picked up two cupcakes to celebrate.

An amazing day!!!

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