Saturday, May 18, 2013

IVF- Day 51: Egg Retrieval Day!!

Yesterday (Friday), was spent cleaning the house and doing everything we usually do on the weekend. It was the first day in a very long time that I didn't have to take a shot. Loved that!! My only preparations for the retrieval were that I could not eat after midnight and I had to use a medicated douche.

~ Early to bed....Early to rise Saturday morning

4:30: Nick and I woke up and prepared for the retrieval. Nick took care the the dog. I showered and did the second medicated douche. I was told not to wear make up, perfume, lotion, or jewelry. Very natural in comfy clothes!! 

5:30: Nick gave his specimen.

5:45: We were out the door and on the road to the hospital. Surprisingly I wasn't too nervous. Only a few butterflies.

6:10: Arrived at hospital and met the embryologist in the waiting room. Nick filled out some paperwork and turned in his specimen. 

6:15-7:00: WAITED, played on our phones, WAITED, made predictions about the number of eggs we would get (Nick-13 & Jess-11), WAITED, snapped some pictures, and WAITED some more

7:10: Doctor arrived and took me to the fertility operation area.  

7:15: A nurse gave me a robe to change into. Nothing but the robe and onto a bed with a blanket. 

I am not sure about the rest of the times since it got a little hectic. 

- Several people came in and asked me the same questions over and over. I do have to say, I was shaking with nerves but the doctors and nurses taking care of me were hysterical. I was laughing more than anything else. 

- They inserted an IV to start the meds. He was pretty good. Stung a little but not too bad. One meidcation was an antibiotic and I believe the other was saline. The anesthesiologist gave me a shot which made me a little loopy. Then off I was wheeled to the operation room.

- Once I was in the operation room the doctor asked me to slide over to the the table. Then, the anesthesiologist gave me the "cocktail." From that point I was out.

- I woke up with the nurse talking to me and asking me questions. She checked my vials. Slowly I felt like I was becoming more and more with it. I had slight cramping.

- After about ten minutes, I got up and the nurse helped me to the bathroom. There was slight spotting. 

- I was able to get dressed and by this time the doctor was back from the second retrieval he was completing. 

He said..... 13 BEAUTIFUL EGGS!!!! He said he was so happy with the results!!! Fantastic news!

- Nick came back to the room and then I was wheeled to the car. 

10:00: We were home. I took all of my meds, Nick hooked up the heating pad, and I was in bed for the day. 

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