Friday, May 31, 2013

Big News!!

My little sister is getting married!!! 

On May 29, in Savannah, Georgia, Mike popped the question. Christina and Mike have been together for just about as many years as Nick and I have so we have been waiting for this moment.

Here a a few pictures of the two love birds and the beautiful ring.


Christina and Mike...we couldn't be happier for you!!! <3

Summary & Catch Up

Our life has been consumed with baby making, planning, and everything in between FOREVER. We have put a lot of things young couples do like get together, vacations, or nights out to the side to focus, save, and plan for this. This is not to say we don't have some pretty amazing friends and family and I think I can speak for both of us when I say there have been many moments when we wished we could be doing all of those things. Ever since the transfer date appeared on the calendar I told Nick that I wanted to keep as busy as possible. Work fills up the day but I wanted to do more with our friends just to make the time go by faster.

Here is a little run down on what has been going on during the 2 Week Wait...

1dp3dt-3dp3dt: Constantly thinking. Googling. Wondering how I am suppose to feel. Going crazy.

4dp3dt: Picnic with the family. Felt good but a little nauseous.

5dp3dt: Hard day today. Little break down in the morning and couldn't really get myself together. Just felt down and like I was going to get my period. I laid around and watched TV most of the day. 

6dp3dt: Memorial Day. Nick and I literally watch movies ALL day. Around 3:00, I got uncomfortable cramps, like I was going to get my period and past out for about an hour. Even when I woke up I was exhausted. 

7dp3dt: Back to school today. I don't think I would receive the award for being the happiest today. I was SOOOOO irritable and felt crappy. I was completely exhausted after school and went up to bed early.  

8dp3dt: On Wednesday night we had dinner with amazing friends who recently had a baby. This beautiful baby boy has become my good luck charm!! His amazing mom has definitely been an incredible support system and cheerleader for me through everything. I could not be more thankful!!! 
              Really hard day at work. Freaked out a little bit. Not really feeling much today just VERY bloated!!

9dp3dt:  I woke up wondering why I felt nothing. I was on the war-path again could actually call me a bitch. By the afternoon I decided I was pregnant and texted Nick. I wasn't sick. I didn't take a test. I just felt it inside. Long day with meetings after work then a grocery store run. After dinner I thought I seriously was going to pass out. Went upstairs early, tired, with a headache. By the time I did my shot that night, my stomach looked 4 months pregnant. 

10dp3dt: There was a double baby shower after school. School showers are unlike the traditional baby shower. It is more of a get together with food and laughter. I ate A LOT but felt like I was going to burst and pass out at a certain point and decided to make my way home. Once again, my stomach is really bloated in the evening. - Stopped a the drug store on the way home and bought some pregnancy tests.

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

8dp3dt- Ultrasound

Today I had my first ultrasound since the embryo transfer. I have to say, for the past 3-4 days, I feel like I've had symptoms of a period...backaches, bloating, and cramps....but today I don't really feel anything. Just bloated and extremely irritable. Who know what that means???

I have promised myself not to get stressed but I think today was it. I had to deal with a whole bunch of ridiculous problems. 11 more days...11 more days...11 more days!!! Work is a horrible place to be when you are suppose to live stress free.

Back to my ultrasound....

The nurse actually did the ultrasound today which I really liked. She is so nice and always explains everything. Basically she was checking in on my uterine lining and my ovaries.

Since my ovaries were stimulated for the eggs, they watch to make sure there is not a built up of fluid. The also watch to make sure nothing is twisted which could be caused by exercising, lifting heavy objects, of even having sex. The twisting of the ovary could cause the blood supply to be cut off. Everything looked good and there was only a small amount of fluid build up.

They watch the lining to make sure it is a proper thickness. This is the reason I take Progesterone and eat the protein. The nurse said she usually looks for about a 12 and mine was a 19-20ish. Very nice. I do not need to add or change any medications at this time.

I told the nurse how I feel like I am going crazy waiting and asked her if it would be okay to do an at home test. She said "of course," and after looking at the calendar, she said trying it on Sunday or Monday would be my best bet. Nick is not all about this but I really would like to have a little at home experience since all of our tests are done in the doctors' office. I think we are going to try it this weekend. His thing is he doesn't want me to get down if it says "not pregnant" showing a false negative. We'll see but right not I think I want to.

My next appointment is next Tuesday, June 4th. OUR PREGNANCY TEST!!!!

7dp3dt- Progesterone

Just because the big part is over doesn't mean the medications are finished. Currently, I am still taking a prenatal vitamin and folic acid everyday. Ever since the egg retrieval I have been taking a Progesterone oil injection once a day.

What is Progesterone Oil?
A drug to help promote implantation. Progesterone is a naturally occurring hormone which enriches the uterine lining in order to help embryos stick and stay put.

The substance is thick and looks like a very light olive oil.

Administer: intramuscular injection (top part of butt)

Possible Side Effects: cramping, constipation, diarrhea, nausea, headaches, breast tenderness, joint pain, drowsiness, nervousness, increased urination at night

*Notice how all of the side effects are similar to early pregnancy symptoms. It's a terrible mind game.

Another main component to helping my uterine lining has been my diet. I have been ordered by the doctor to take in 100 grams of protein a day. When you say it it doesn't seem like a lot but when you begin to calculate ...let me just tell you. In addition I have been doing my best to stay hydrated with water and other drinks like Gatorade or Pedilyte.

The one wives tale I have read about is that eating pineapple. It is suppose to help with implantation so I have been eating that once a day as well. Can't hurt!!!

Monday, May 27, 2013


I'm not sure if I mentioned it before, but just to clarify, 6dp3dt means 6 days past 3 day transfer.

Yet another count down in this amazing process. This countdown is the waiting period between the embryo transfer and officially finding out we are pregnant (or not). Just like when you ovulate naturally, you do the deed, and wait that two weeks for your period not to arrive.

Like I said in my last post. This waiting period is hard. Emotionally and psychologically draining. From the beginning I have been an internet addict so of course I tried to find something to give me a sense of what is going on.

3-Day Transfer

Days Past
Transfer (DPT)
 Embryo Development
 OneThe embryo continues to grow and develop, turning from a 6-8 cell embryo into a morula
 TwoThe cells of the morula continue to divide, developing into a blastocyst
 ThreeThe blastocyst begins to hatch out of its shell 
 FourThe blastocyst continues to hatch out of its shell and begins to attach itself to the uterus
 FiveThe blastocyst attaches deeper into the uterine lining, beginning implantation 
 SixImplantation continues
 SevenImplantation is complete, cells that will eventually become the placenta and fetus have begun to develop 
 EightHuman chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) starts to enter the blood stream 
 NineFetal development continues and hCG continues to be secreted 
 TenFetal development continues and hCG continues to be secreted  
 ElevenLevels of hCG are now high enough to detect a pregnancy 
Next Appointments:
Wednesday, May 29: ultrasound to look at the uterine lining and make sure that is healthy
Tuesday, June 4: pregnancy blood test

Saturday, May 25, 2013

4dp3dt- Confession

The past few days have been the absolute worst. Wednesday was the first day I finally felt back to my old self after the egg retrieval. However, the negative is that, I haven't felt anything. I have no idea what is going on inside of me. I have heard of the 2 week wait being terrible but seriously this amount of time has a way of playing terrible tricks.

It's really hard to explain how I am feeling but I am going to try for the sake of documenting and some how getting it off my chest. The desire to be a mom is something I feel deep within in me. I've had this feeling ever since I can remember. I pictured growing up as a child, getting married, and having a big family. Never did I imagine the journey I would be taking to reach that dream. The one thing I have been told by the doctor since the beginning is that the chance of not getting pregnant are small since I was pregnant before and our biggest obstacle was the sperm fertilizing the egg. Well, that first hurtle was jumped on May 18th. Now these two beautiful embryos are inside of me AND I am doing my very best to take care of them. But, honestly, I don't know what to do. I've been taking care of myself with activity choices, diet, rest, etc but I have no signs of anything actually going on. As positive as I try to stand everyday, there is always the growing fear that something is going wrong or not working. I HATE being like that. I HATE not feeling like I am going to get bad news.

I completely blame this on the miscarriage. Why did that have to happen? Many women get pregnant and have no sense of what it feels like to have problems in a pregnancy. No sense in what it feel like to lose something that is part of you. For a very long time I thought I came to an understanding but now I realize it has forever tainted something that should be pure and exciting. I am now filled with constant worry and a sense of not believing when all I want to do is BELIEVE that everything is going to be okay. Every night I pray that the two little embies find a place, that they will remain strong and grow, grow, grow. Everyday I rubbed my belly envisioning what it could feel like in a few months.

But I am so scared.

Do other people feel this way? Am I setting myself up?

Tuesday, May 21, 2013


We are PUPO! That's PREGNANT UNTIL PROVEN OTHERWISE for anyone not up on all the catchy lingo. Yeah buddy!!

Today we had our embryo transfer.

Nick and I woke up this morning and got ready just like any other day. One, because we knew the doctor was going to call early with the possibility that we might go in today and two, we thought for sure that we weren't going in until Thursday and we both needed to do to work. Around 6:45 the embryologist called and said we had two 8 cell embryos, one that was not really growing, and two that will probably make it to blastocyst. She said we were ready to transfer today. With a whole load of nerves we finished getting ready and made our way to the 7:30 appointment.

Once at the doctors, I sign in and we waited for a little bit. The nurse came out and escorted us to the fertility operating area which is the back end of the ICU. I dressed in a very lovely pale blue gown and Nick wore gorgeous green scrubs. Very sexy!

I hopped up into bed, covered up and complete pain, because I needed to pee so bad. If you know me, this is normal, and as always bad timing. I needed to have a full bladder for the ultrasound so I was afraid to empty it.

As we settled in, the nurse brought us a picture of our beautiful embryos. I have to be honest. I have put a thick wall up to getting too attached until things were at a complete safe point but the picture of something that will be our baby takes my breath away. Both embryos are 8 cell. One was 4.5 and the other was 4.2 which is out of 5. The nurse said they were really good....she could have said "almost perfect" but I could be wrong. :) Then, Nick and I signed off that we would only be transferring 2. The best part was we got to keep the amazing picture of our embies.

We sat and waited for the doctor to arrive. Took some pictures...

Then off I was rolled to the operating room. I stayed on the same bed but scooted down all the way to the end. The doctor inserted a speculum and did some other business I am unsure of. Possibly inserted a catheter? And it was time... The window opened and the doctor told the embryologist that he was ready for the embryos. In front of us was a large television screen. First our name flashed across the screen then it was white. But it wasn't all white, in between a few bubbles sat two BEAUTIFUL embryos. The embryologist sucked them up and they were past to the doctor through the window.

I was incredibly tense because a.) I had to pee and b.) I was nervous the procedure was going to cause cramps. (I felt nothing) I couldn't really see anything since the nurse was standing next to me. I held Nick's hand the entire time as he watched the screen. The nurse did and ultrasound on my belly and BING, BANG, BOOM...the embryos were in safe and sound.

*Any and all prayers needed now*

I pray that my body keeps these little bitties safe. That my body allows them to grow and develop into a healthy baby (s).

Which brings me to my final story. After the transfer, which only took 10 minutes, I was wheeled back into the recovery area to lay down. I was told to lay flat for 15 minutes before using the bathroom. Another lady went back for her transfer and returned after what felt like an eternity. Since I was still in the laying down portion of the procedure, I had to use a bed pan. I tried to be lady like and keep my dignity but blessed with a tiny bladder you got to do what you go to do. I asked the nurse if going to the bathroom after the transfer would mess up anything and she reassured me that it would do no such thing. I got myself together, laid down, and the nurse put me in an incline.

I laid flat for 60 minutes. (and possibly used the bed pan one more time) *Thankful for a good husband*

When the nurse came back, I got dressed and we were on our way home with two beautiful embryos hanging out in my belly.

To celebrate our special day, Nick and I stopped at Whole Foods and picked up two cupcakes to celebrate.

An amazing day!!!

Monday, May 20, 2013

IVF- Day 53: Fertilization Report #2

A picture is worth a thousand words.

Image from Shady Grove Fertility
The image above shows what happen the day of the egg retrieval when the sperm met with the egg via ICSI.

Image from Shady Grove Fertility
The above image shows the progression of the fertilized egg as we wait for the transfer.


We now have 5 fertilized eggs that are continuing to grow. They have 3-4 cells and are symmetrical. Very clean.

Possible 3 day transfer tomorrow (Tuesday).

Check this website out to see images and an explanation of what happens on Day 2.

Sunday, May 19, 2013

IVF- Day 52: Fertilization Report #1

I am feeling so much better today. The spotting has stopped and I have hopefully taken my last Tylenol this morning. The plan is to take the day and just relax.

My biggest obstacle through this entire process has been to stay positive. From the meds working to how many eggs were retrieved, I have been a HUGE worrier. On Friday, I decided as worried and nervous as I am, Nick and I are on the path we need to be to have a baby. We are in the process of making a baby right now. It is a really special and long awaited time for us, so I bought this for our baby. So stinkin cute!!


12 eggs fertilized using ICSI 
(6 were kept frozen and 6 will be kept out to watch)

Check this website out to see images of what happens from Day 0 - Day 1.

Saturday, May 18, 2013

IVF- Day 51: Egg Retrieval Day Part 2

Now that the retrieval is over, I have a list of instructions for the day.


BEDREST when I get home. I can get up and go to the bathroom and to eat. No driving or working. Drink 8-10 glasses of water.


  • Tylenol for the pain. - NO Ibuprofen, Motrin, or Advil.
  • Continue prenatal vitamin and folic acid 
  • Z-pack for next 5 days
  • Methylprednisolone 16 mg for 4 days
  • Start 1cc Progesterone in Oil - tonight
  • Abstain from intercourse
  • Spotting is normal
  • No swimming

* The lab will call with an update everyday.*

IVF- Day 51: Egg Retrieval Day!!

Yesterday (Friday), was spent cleaning the house and doing everything we usually do on the weekend. It was the first day in a very long time that I didn't have to take a shot. Loved that!! My only preparations for the retrieval were that I could not eat after midnight and I had to use a medicated douche.

~ Early to bed....Early to rise Saturday morning

4:30: Nick and I woke up and prepared for the retrieval. Nick took care the the dog. I showered and did the second medicated douche. I was told not to wear make up, perfume, lotion, or jewelry. Very natural in comfy clothes!! 

5:30: Nick gave his specimen.

5:45: We were out the door and on the road to the hospital. Surprisingly I wasn't too nervous. Only a few butterflies.

6:10: Arrived at hospital and met the embryologist in the waiting room. Nick filled out some paperwork and turned in his specimen. 

6:15-7:00: WAITED, played on our phones, WAITED, made predictions about the number of eggs we would get (Nick-13 & Jess-11), WAITED, snapped some pictures, and WAITED some more

7:10: Doctor arrived and took me to the fertility operation area.  

7:15: A nurse gave me a robe to change into. Nothing but the robe and onto a bed with a blanket. 

I am not sure about the rest of the times since it got a little hectic. 

- Several people came in and asked me the same questions over and over. I do have to say, I was shaking with nerves but the doctors and nurses taking care of me were hysterical. I was laughing more than anything else. 

- They inserted an IV to start the meds. He was pretty good. Stung a little but not too bad. One meidcation was an antibiotic and I believe the other was saline. The anesthesiologist gave me a shot which made me a little loopy. Then off I was wheeled to the operation room.

- Once I was in the operation room the doctor asked me to slide over to the the table. Then, the anesthesiologist gave me the "cocktail." From that point I was out.

- I woke up with the nurse talking to me and asking me questions. She checked my vials. Slowly I felt like I was becoming more and more with it. I had slight cramping.

- After about ten minutes, I got up and the nurse helped me to the bathroom. There was slight spotting. 

- I was able to get dressed and by this time the doctor was back from the second retrieval he was completing. 

He said..... 13 BEAUTIFUL EGGS!!!! He said he was so happy with the results!!! Fantastic news!

- Nick came back to the room and then I was wheeled to the car. 

10:00: We were home. I took all of my meds, Nick hooked up the heating pad, and I was in bed for the day. 

Thursday, May 16, 2013


Last night was the last of the stims and tonight was the night we have been waiting for. THE TRIGGER!!!

The trigger is a human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG) injection. It is completed when the eggs are closing in on their peak of maturity. Egg retrieval will take place about 36 hours later.

A little bit about HCG...

I used a brand called Pregnyl. It's considered a superovulatory drug which comes from the urine of pregnant women. (A little gross) The hormone, produced by the placenta, triggers the release of eggs from the ovaries roughly 40 hours after the injection is administered.

Delivery: intramuscular (right above the butt)

Nick had to give this shot and I give him so much credit. He was really good!!! I was a complete basket case. First, I was super nervous that I wasn't mixing and getting the medication properly. Following the directions word for word and still feeling like I did something wrong. Then, nervous about this giant shot going in my ass. I burst into tears before anything ever started. Next thing I was over. I didn't feel a thing. I iced for about 15 minutes beforehand which I think helped a lot. I was almost completely numb.

Well...drama that I can be....didn't stop me from crying even after the shot was over. I am trying to be so positive but I am so nervous. I just lost it. Hoping, praying, and trying to believe that everything is going to happen just the way it should but I still have this little shithead in me that pokes me with "well, what if it doesn't work?" That little voice scare me more than anything.

Tomorrow I have a 7:45 blood test then we should be set for the retrieval!!!


Wednesday, May 15, 2013

IVF- Day 48: Just About Ready

On the 10th day of stims...

First, I have to say that today has been an absolute crazy day. First, I woke up at the butt crack of dawn for my doctors appointment that was at 6:45 A.M. and once I got to the hospital I realize I forgot my wallet. Called Nick and had him drive and meet me at the DR. office so I could actually get out of the parking garage.

Doctors appointment....I arrived and was taken right back to the ultrasound room which is a little different because they usually do my blood test firsts. The doctor came in...made a little small talk...and moved on to do the usual ultrasound. He took a look at my lining and said that it looked good. Then he scanned over my ovaries. OMG!!!! Those follicles are huge now. I really couldn't tell if there were any more because they looked like they were squished on top of each other. *Side note... I have noticed that my doctor is a man of few words. He doesn't give too much information. He also has a pretty thick accent which sometimes makes it hard to understand especially when my legs are half way up in the air and there is a paper sheet between us.* I asked him if there were more follicles and he said..."oh yeah." He didn't really give any measurements but said I had a couple at 17. He decided they retrieval will be on Saturday, May 18th. A beautiful day to make a baby!!

The nurse took me to a little sitting area and went over all of the paperwork. Then she took my blood and drew two huge read circle right above my butt.

Plan of Action:

May 15: 125 IU Follistim & 5 units Lupron
May 16: 5 units Lupron & TRIGGER @ 8:00 p.m.
May 17: 8:30 a.m. blood test, continue with prenatal  and folic acid, & use a medicated douche (no eating or drinking after midnight)
May 18: use second medicated douche, collect semen sample between 5:30-6:00, be at office at 6:30 a.m.

Transfer: Day 3- May 21 or Day 5- May 23

I can't believe we are finally ready. I am beyond excited. So, in all of this, I thought I was going to be going in for the retrieval on Monday so I ordered more Follistim. Not a real big deal but one little cartridge of this runs at about $300. Tonight was my last dose so there was no need for it. I spent the morning talking to the pharmacy canceling my order. They spent the day trying to have the delivery man take it off the truck. Honestly, THE BEST PHARMACY EVER!!!! They were able to get it sent back to the warehouse and refund the money. SCORE!!!

After this really crazy day I was able to sit and do one of my favorite things...get my hair done. I am relaxed, ready for summer, and most importantly ready for babies!!!!!


Tuesday, May 14, 2013

IVF- Day 47: Blood Tests

Why all the blood tests?

The blood tests are used to measure estrogen levels.

"Your body's estrogen levels reveal a lot about your current fertility, and are used to measure your response to fertility treatments. Practitioners and patients often use three terms interchangably when talking about the same thing: estrogen, estradiol, and E2. Estrogen stimulates the lining of the uterus, so that it grows and can sustain a pregnancy. And estrogen is a measure of ovarian activity - as follicles produce estrogen. So the more follicles there are, the more estrogen will be present. Estrogen is measured in pg/mL."


As the stimulation continues, the nurse said she wants to sees a steady growth. At my last appointment my E2 was in the 60s so she predicted my next blood test should be in the 100s.

Monday, May 13, 2013

IVF- Day 46

On the 8th day of stims...

My stomach is really bloated and I am completely exhausted!!! I can't even believe my stomach. I went to do my shots tonight and it looked 10 times the size it was this morning. CRAZY!! I also feel fuller and every once in a while a slight pain.

Today I had a really good doctors appointment. After Friday I felt a little defeated but the change in my dosage did the trick.

  • I had another blood test. I also found out my number from the last test was 62. I will go more into what that means later.   
  • My ultrasound showed 5 follicles on each side measuring "12ish." The doctor said they looked great and were all pretty much the same size which is good. We need them to grow to be around 17-18.
  • I am continuing the same dosage of Follistim...150 IU & 125 IU
  • Next appointment is on Wednesday
  • The retrieval is looking like...Monday, May 20th.


Friday, May 10, 2013

IVF Day- 43 "Stimming!"

On the 5th Day of Stimming...

Today I had an ultrasound and bloodwork. I am still new to all this testing so getting all of my questions answered during an appointment that is pretty short has proven to be a little difficult for me. I still don't know what my blood test results were so that is at the top of my list for my next appointment.

My ultrasound showed 4 follicles on each side. The doctor wasn't really impressed but I am not sure if that is bad necessarily. He put me on a very low dose of Follistim last week to start because he says I am "small and thin" however turns out I am not as sensitive as he thought. Ideally he would like to see 5-6 on each side. (As I try to write this I realize what a foreign language this is to me. Definitely still trying to piece it all together.)

I wish there was more progress. So, for the next 3 days I am alternating between 125 IU and 150 IU of Follistim. I go back for my next ultrasound on Monday (5/13). Then, he said he would like to see me Wednesday and Friday but the nurse suggested I not schedule these appointments so I am not sure what that means. As of right now, the doctor predicts my retrieval will be next Monday (5/20).

I am really trying to keep a good journal of everything that is going on but I can't help but feel frustrated and helpless about the process. The lack of control over this situation is REALLY bothering me.

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

IVF- Day 40: Time to Wake Some Eggs

Well, we are now developing some eggs. As of May 6th, I started Follistim. (100 IUs) I was kind of nervous since it is a needle pen but honestly the needle goes in the skin so much easier than the Lupron. I am still taking Lupron however the new dosage is only 5 units.

What is Follistim?

Follistim is a superovulatory drug that stimulates the egg development. This drug contains a follicle stimulating hormone but no luteinizing hormone.

Administer: Subcutaneous Injection: The medicine is delivered under the skin.

Possible Side Effects: bloating, fluid retention, breast tenderness, nausea, moodiness, fatigue, and restlessness


The Lupron has been giving me wicked headaches and my stomach is really bloated. Not to mention, my stomach is beginning to look like I have a drug problem. It is covered with red marks and bruises. This is not one of cutest moments.


Saturday, May 4, 2013

IVF- Day 37

*Warning: Some of this may be TMI but remember I am documenting this for myself. *

This was seriously the longest week EVER!!! I got my period on Sunday, May 28th. I was interested with how this cycle would be affected by the Lupron. Surprisingly, the period was exactly the same however the cramps were worse. I had one bad day of cramps (as usual) but the cramps lasted for the remaining days of the period.

The Lupron shots have become part of my nightly routine and the needles don't even phase me anymore. Crazy how immune you can become to something after doing it for a while. The redness and irritation at the site of the shot doesn't really happen anymore but all week I have been dealing with headaches. I can't tell if it's the medicine or the brutal pollen.Other than that I feel pretty good.

On Thursday, May 2nd I had my baseline blood work and ultrasound appointment.

  • First the nurse took my weight. I know the medicine can cause some bloating but I am not exactly too happy with the number going up so quickly. (121 lbs.) 
  • Then, she took some blood. Not sure what they are looking for in the blood work so I will ask the nurse more about that next time. 
  • The ultrasound was pretty interesting. The doctor said he was just basically looking to make sure my ovaries were "clean." I think they look for things like cysts. The doctor may think I am a little crazy because I always come with a zillion questions but he always take the time to explain which I really appreciate. When you get an ultrasound there are two screens. One that he is looking at on the machine and one that is literally right next to me when I am laying down. The doctor pointed out what my ovaries looked like and showed me exactly what the follicles look like inside the ovaries. To me, they look like these tiny black balls laying on top of one another. He also said you want to make sure you do not have too many follicles. In the end, he said everything looked good and I will be starting 100 IU of Follistim on Monday.

I also received a new calendar...

*Abstain from intercourse from this point forward.

  • 5/2-5/5: continue with 20 units of Lupron
  • 5/6-5/9: 5 units of Lupron and 100 IU  of Follistim every night

Next Appointment: May 10th (ultrasound and blood work)