Saturday, June 15, 2013

Week 5- A Little Sac

This has been an incredibly busy week. The school year is over and I plan on relaxing and nesting for the next three months. I have a lot of catching up to do...

Nick and I went to our first ultrasound appointment on Wednesday. I was told I was 5 weeks 4 days. I didn't really know what I was expecting to see. The chance of twin was definitely there but I was mostly full of nerves. 

When we arrived I was called back and had my LAST set of blood work taken. Thank the lord I can have my veins back!! (All blood work came back looking great. My BETA was 10978.) 

Then we waited for the nurse to call us back into the room. It seemed like forever but finally our name was called and we were taken back.  The doctor greeted us and once again said how high our numbers were and basically said, "let's see how many we have in there." He inserted the ultrasound wand and on the screen all you could see were giant follicles. My ovaries are still enormous and the doctor actually commented on this. I don't think think he was thrilled but he didn't raise any concern. He said there isn't much I can do beside what I am doing already but he did say that the pregnancy hormones are probably contributing to the swelling.

So around and around he moved and we weren't seeing anything. Not that we were looking at an empty uterus, it was that we couldn't find the uterus through these GIANT ovaries. The doctor explained that the ultrasound waves have to travel through them to get to the uterus. After much angling and re-angling, we did see one little sac on the screen. As soon as he tried to zoom in on it though the resolution distorted. He said because the ovaries are large there could be another sac hiding but he didn't think it was likely and was very happy with ONE little bean growing inside me!!! 

I was crazy nervous at this appointment and it was written all over my face. The doctor took an extra 15 minutes just to talk to me. He said it is very early so it's not the time to go around and tell everyone we are pregnant but he has really liked my progress so far. I expressed my concern about my miscarriage and he reassured me that there is a major difference between the natural process of any egg and sperm coming together and how they actually took the best of both. He actually called our embryos the "Embryos of the Month." I left the appointment feeling pretty confident and excited but I don't think I will be completely set until we actually see that little bean growing. 

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