May 21st marked ONE YEAR since our embryo transfer. A 20 minute procedure that has completely changed our lives and given us everything we ever wanted. The journey to get to that point wasn't easy and it is really hard for a lot of people to understand.
When I first started this blog, my hope was to connect with other people going through the same procedure. I spent and logged countless hours searching for answers, people to connect with, and just stories of experience. Now, my hope is that someone might stumble upon this little blog and find something helpful about our experience. For out entire story check out...Our Baby Journey and IVF.
Thinking back to that day, one year ago, I decided to create a list of things that helped me along the way and some things people do not always talk about. Now, I can only speak from my experience with IVF (obviously not a medical doctor) but I am sure many going through a fertility process can relate.
Deciding to begin any fertility process is not like jumping in the sack and doing the deed. It is a time and life consuming process that takes mental, physical, financial, and spiritual planning.
- Mentally, you have to get yourself in a good place. It can be a mind game when things work out one day and change the next. This can be the hardest thing to do but try to stay positive and believe it will work whether it's your first cycle or your third. BEST ADVICE... have a support system to help you with this. Having 1, 2, or even 3 people you can talk to, cry with, or pray with can help tremendously.
- Physically, treat your body well. I am not the healthiest person but anything you can do to get healthy now is that time to do it. If you have a couple pounds to get rid of, I would do it before you get started. The meds take a toll on the body. Start walking, cut out the soda, try to eliminate or reduce stress, and start taking your vitamins.
- Financially, be prepared to pay. Talk to the financial person in the practice you are going to. They can give you an estimate about how much it will cost, find out what your insurance will cover, and tell you about any packages available. Also, talk to your doctor. Whatever fertility process you are starting, the doctor can guide you on the best course of action. Having a baby can be very expensive and you don't want to do so sitting on debt.
- Spiritually find something comforting that can provide you with guidance and strength. Whether it is praying, meditating, reading the bible, or reflecting. Do it!!!
Whether it is your partner, family member, blog buddy, therapist or support group. Have someone or a handful of people you can talk to. Being brutally honest, it might be helpful to have someone other than your partner since he/she is also going through the process as well. My husband was an incredible support system but sometimes having an outside neutral perspective was needed.
Keep something that tells your story. Even if it is just for yourself, you'll be surprise going back and reading your experience. Both successes and failures give us the strength and knowledge to move toward the future.
Have a special place you will keep your medication/supplies. In this area, also have a calendar of what medications will be given when.
A lot of advice could be given on the best way to give a needle...all I can say is follow the directions for the medication and breath. You can ice up and rub, rub, rub but really after the first few, it gets a little easy to tolerate the pain. Be prepared will most likely have bruising and bloating.
I found that after the embryo retrieval I really needed to take it easy. I took off the day of the retrieval since they did require bed rest because of the anesthesia. However, I also took off the following day. I was moving around fine but had slight cramping. Don't plan any trips or crazy activities.
I heard about and tried to keep hydrated many different ways. I started drinking water before we even started the medication but around the time of the retrieval and transfer I was drinking coconut water and even Pedialyte.
Some people I talked to, that had gone through IVF, suggested pineapple after the transfer. I don't know if it works...but I did it.
After the transfer, my doctor told me to incorporate 100 grams of protein a day into my diet.
Live life but don't go out and do anything crazy. It's time to take it easy. Your ovaries are very fragile from the time they are stimulated until weeks after the transfer. No exercising or intercourse!!
From the moment you arrive home from they fertility treatment your mind will go into over drive waiting for the minute you can take a pregnancy test. I was literally driving myself crazy with the "What Ifs." Plan some things to do during this period of time: Lunch with friends, going to the movies, spa day, sports game, date night. Anything!! Fill the days up!
Like I said before, I can only speak from my experience. Everybody has their own story and situation but hopefully this is helpful. : )