Thursday, March 20, 2014

Week 3

Week 3


  • Mommy's friend Missy came over to meet you and brought us dinner
  • Since you still were not sleeping through the night, Mommy and Daddy started giving you a bottle of formula at night before bedtime, swaddling you up tight, and putting you in the swing to sleep with the water sound playing (slept 10-3 then fell back asleep until 7)


  • Slept great last night!!!
  • Mommy's friend Jenna and and her kids came to meet you


  • Doctor's appointment for a weight check: 8 pounds 1 ounce
  • Decided to try to add a small bottle of formula when mommy nurses but it's too much and every time you have it you get sick
  • Slept great again last night!!!
  • Took our first adventure out of the house- grocery shopping at Target, Acme, and Costco


  • Newborn pictures- you only slept for about 20 minutes. Most of the time you were wither wide awake staring and smiling or screaming. The photographer kept asking if you were really 3 months old because of how many smiles you were giving and how strong you are.
  • Pop-Pop Wood and Aunt Anna came and watched you while Mommy and Daddy went out for the first time. We bought you a portable swing so we could move back up to Mommy and Daddy's room.
  • Danny and Michele came to visit you.


  • Took your very first REAL bath and you LOVED it. It's one of your favorite things to do.
  • Mommy's friend Jess came to visit. She held you and even fed you a bottle.


  • Doctor's appointment for weight check: 8 pounds 3 ounces (Still making progress and doctor said we don't need to come back until your one month check up. She said you are very healthy!!)
  • Eating: breastfeeding, 1 afternoon bottle of formula, and 2 night time bottles of formula


  • You are so happy in the morning. Mommy wakes you up and you just smile, smile, smile!!
  • Went to Mom-mom and Pop-Pop Knotts's for the first time for dinner. The dogs were very interested in you but you slept most of the time.

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