Since I had a fever during the labor process and was put on antibiotics the NICU was in the room. Harper was on my chest for only minutes before a nurse came over and took her away. They weighed her and put her in the warmer. Then, she was wheeled away to the NICU center. Nick didn't even have a chance to hold her.
During this time, I delivered the placenta and Dr. Shima gave a lesson to both Nick and the student nurse on what the purpose of it was. Then, since I had a 2nd degree tear I had to get some stitches.
I felt pretty good. Nick was over the moon and I was so excited to see my little girl again. I was told that I would be able to breastfeed and hold her again once I was in a postpartum room. So, I waited while my body processed the epidural. While I waited, Nick went out, told his family and brought them back to the nursery to see the baby then to the labor room to see me. I was a ball of hormones and cried as soon as everyone got there. It was so exciting!! all came tumbling down. The NICU doctor came in and basically laid everything out on the table. Told me Harper had trouble breathing, I would not be able to breastfeed her if I had a fever still, and Harper would not be able to stay in the room with me. I lost it. It was pretty much the worst case scenario and the exact opposite of what I was told.
From that moment, I was determined to get some breast milk into my little girl. I called the nurse and told her I was ready to move to another room. She had me stand up and walk to the bathroom. Thankfully when I came out a NICU nurse was standing with some paperwork. She was able to tell me what was really going on and not the worst case scenario of possibilities. I felt a little better but still wanted to get to my room.
Once I was in the postpartum room my family arrived and brought us dinner. After sitting and talking about the baby they left so Nick and I could finally go see our little one. We walked to the NICU nursery, hoping that at least Nick would be able to go in and hold his little girl for the first time.
The Lord was on our side. We were both able to go in and hold our bundle of joy and I was able to put her to my breast for the first time. It was an amazing moment.
For the next two days Harper had to stay in the NICU because she was actually born with a slight fever (99) and had to be put on antibiotics. The nurses were great. They would call me to come and feed her every 3 hours and I was able to go down and hold her whenever I wanted.
After a few crazy moments involving waiting for Harper's test results and trying to figure out if my blood pressure was too high, on Friday the 21st, we were discharged at 9:00 in the evening.
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