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Week 4
- I didn't sleep a lot today and your weren't happy unless mommy was holding you.
- You are moving your arms around a lot more and grabbing onto Mommy's hair when she is holding you.
- We went out grocery shopping for the week again. This week we bought a Baby Bjorn carrier. You love when Mommy carriers you around. It makes you fall asleep right away.
- You love morning snuggle time!
- Granny, Aunt Meri, Uncle Brandon, Alyssa, and Arihanna came to visit and had lunch with us. We dressed you up in a super cute outfit.
- Happy St. Patrick's Day!!! This is your first holiday!!
- You rolled over from your tummy to your back TWICE!! - Mommy thinks it's because you hate being on you tummy.
- Daddy took care of you for the first time by his self while Mommy went out to the store.
- You've had some belly issues the past couple of days. Mommy called the nurse and they suggested changing you over to a Soy formula because it could be a milk protein intolerance.
- You love holding on to your Giraffe Wubba in the car.
- Happy 1 Month Birthday!!!
Week 3
- Mommy's friend Missy came over to meet you and brought us dinner
- Since you still were not sleeping through the night, Mommy and Daddy started giving you a bottle of formula at night before bedtime, swaddling you up tight, and putting you in the swing to sleep with the water sound playing (slept 10-3 then fell back asleep until 7)
- Slept great last night!!!
- Mommy's friend Jenna and and her kids came to meet you
- Doctor's appointment for a weight check: 8 pounds 1 ounce
- Decided to try to add a small bottle of formula when mommy nurses but it's too much and every time you have it you get sick
- Slept great again last night!!!
- Took our first adventure out of the house- grocery shopping at Target, Acme, and Costco
- Newborn pictures- you only slept for about 20 minutes. Most of the time you were wither wide awake staring and smiling or screaming. The photographer kept asking if you were really 3 months old because of how many smiles you were giving and how strong you are.
- Pop-Pop Wood and Aunt Anna came and watched you while Mommy and Daddy went out for the first time. We bought you a portable swing so we could move back up to Mommy and Daddy's room.
- Danny and Michele came to visit you.
- Took your very first REAL bath and you LOVED it. It's one of your favorite things to do.
- Mommy's friend Jess came to visit. She held you and even fed you a bottle.
- Doctor's appointment for weight check: 8 pounds 3 ounces (Still making progress and doctor said we don't need to come back until your one month check up. She said you are very healthy!!)
- Eating: breastfeeding, 1 afternoon bottle of formula, and 2 night time bottles of formula
- You are so happy in the morning. Mommy wakes you up and you just smile, smile, smile!!
- Went to Mom-mom and Pop-Pop Knotts's for the first time for dinner. The dogs were very interested in you but you slept most of the time.
Week 2
- Mom-mom Knotts came and spent the day with us on Thursday
- Mommy had a doctor's appointment and we ended up spending a little time in the hospital because of her blood pressure
- It was mommy's 32nd birthday!! You are the best gift Mommy has every received!
- Mommy's friend Megan came and spent the day with us.
- You recognize Daddy's voice and always give him little smiles when he comes home from work.
- Doctor's appointment for weight check: 8 pounds (making progress but still not at birth weight)
- Granny, Aunt Meri, Alyssa, and Arihanna came to visit me
- spent the day snuggling with mommy- you love to nestle your head in our necks or roll over onto your side
- Mommy and Daddy love giving you kisses on your sweet cheeks
- Daddy stayed home with us for a snow day
- Doctor's appointment for weight check: 8 pounds
Week 1
Day 0: Born February 19th at 6:05 pm.
- 8 pounds 6 ounces & 21 inches
- Head was a little squished and shaped like a cone. Cheeks were very puffy.
- Latched onto mommy's breast without and problems.
Day 1:
- eating every 3 hours (breastfeeding)
- stayed in NICU
- Granny, Pop-pop Wood, Aunt Anna, Aunt Meri, Uncle Brandon, Alyssa, and Arihanna came to see you in the hospital.
Day 2:
- head rounder and swelling has gone down
- went home from hospital
- terrible night: screamed most of the night, Mommy and Daddy took turns holding you, would not latch onto breast and therefore did not eat anything
Day 3:
- had your first pediatrician appointment- went down to 7 pounds 6 ounces
- since you weren't eating we fed you formula with a syringe
- slept great during the day
- met Brodie for the first time- he was very calm around you and would run over anytime he heard you cry
- Mom-mom Knotts came over to spend time with you so mommy and daddy could sleep
Day 4:
- Mom-mom and Pop-pop Knotts came to visit- Mom-mom says you are very strong because you can lift your head right up
- you lift your head off our chest when we hold you
- we gave you your first sponge bath and you did not like it
Day 5:
- Doctor's Appointment for weight check: 7 pounds 12 ounces
- Daddy's last day home.
- Mommy loves cuddling with you in the morning.
- Mommy met with a lactation specialist to help your latch. Mommy used a nipple guard and that seemed to help. You started nursing every 3 hours.
- Uncle Rob came to visit you.
Day 6:
- Mom-mom Knotts came to spend the day with us- she changed your diaper for the first time : )
- you started to smile
- you love when Mommy sings "You are My Sunshine"
- still not sleeping well at night- will only sleep if you are on Mommy or Daddy's chest
Day 7:
- Mom-mom Knotts came to spend the day with us
- First time it snowed!!
- Pop-pop Wood came to visit me after work and had dinner with us.