Happy 4 Months to Our Little Lady!!
Age: 4 months
Weight: 14lb 8oz - 61%
Height: 23 3/4 in - 23%
Head Circumference: 16.14 in
- Harper is grabbing toys and pulling them to her mouth to "chew" on.
- She has mastered rolling from her back to tummy but at the same time has forgotten how to roll from her tummy to back.
- While she is on her tummy, she can hold her body up with her hands for long periods of time and moves herself around by pushing her legs.
- Harper loves to grabs people's faces. She will grab or touch your face then go in for the open mouth "kiss."
- At the end of the month she found her feet and will now grab them whenever she is on her back.
- Harper is sleeping in her crib at night.
- Sleeps through the night!!!
- She has also started sitting up with some help.
The sleeping routine has become a much better schedule and routine this month. We have fully transitioned Harper from our room to her crib which ended up being easier than expected. We did however have to start putting her in the swaddle again. At the same time we were transitioning, she figured out how to roll over to her tummy. Although she will sleep like this sometimes, she is more comfortable on her side and will wake herself up almost in a panic. We decided to stick with the swaddle until she can work on the rolling side to side a little better.
At night, we go up to her room around 7:00 and start our little bedtime routine. We usually get undressed to the diaper and play for a little bit with the toys in her room. Then, she gets a bath and changed into her PJ's. Closer to 7:30 we sit in the rocker, read a couple books, and have a bottle. Depending upon the night we do a little more rocking then we put her in a swaddle in the crib and turn on bedtime music. We started to mess around with the "cry it out" method. Really she has been pretty good. We'll let her cry for a few minutes just to see if she can calm herself down but usually once we go in and give her her bink she falls right to sleep.
Harper has been sleeping pretty much through the night. The early morning feeding is starting to phase out. We put her down at 7:30 and she will sleep most nights to 5:30-6:30.
Naps are pretty good as far as taking them. If we are out and about she sleeps in the car or in the stroller BUT at home she is still sleeping in the swing. Her naps have been at 7:30 or 8:30 depending on when she wakes up, 11:00, 2:00, and down again around 4. They usually range from 30-45 minutes.
Mommy's Favorite Moment:
Since I have been home I have been really trying to make an effort to do things outside of the house. We started going to story times around 3 months but this month we started going to a group called Fit4Moms. Mommy gets to workout and Harper gets to join along in the stroller. She loves going from walks so this has been great. We also get to participate in a ton of play dates and activities to the other mommies and kids.
We went to visit mommy's work a few times at the end of the year for special activities- reading celebration, field day, and the third grade party. Harper loves going to Pennell and seeing everyone. She was passed around from person to person and loved every second of it!!
Daddy's Favorite Moment:
My favorite moment this month was father's day. It was really special because it was my first. We celebrated that weekend by going to a work-out class as a family. Then, on Sunday, we went for a hike around the Brandywine Battlefield and had lunch outside on the deck. Harper made me a special picture that spelled out DAD and some awesome work-out clothes.
Harper is growing great and since we added rice to her bottle the spit-up has improved a lot!!
Harper is eating every 3-4 hours. She takes a 4 ounce bottle with 2 tablespoon rice during the day and a 6 ounce bottle with 3 tablespoon rice before bed.
She knows the bottle now and attempts to hold the bottle and feed herself most of the time. As cute as this is, sometimes it ends up being a power struggle.
Things I Want to Remember:
- You graduated to your room and your crib!!
- You love playing Peek-a-Boo. You give the best giggle!!!
- Favorite song: Itsy Bitsy Spider
- Mom-mom Knotts babysat you twice and put you to sleep while mommy and daddy went out.
- This month you started to reach for mommy and daddy when the other is holding you.
- I love your open mouth sloppy kisses. : )
- Anytime we get to go outside and lay in the grass you love every second.
- Watching you learn to sit this month has been awesome. Each day you become stronger and stronger and gain more and more balance. Such a big girl!!
- You love the outdoors and being around people. On the other hand, you tend to get s little fussy when we are hanging around the house in one place. You are a mover and a shaker.